Monday, March 16, 2009

Hi Everyone,

Well good luck is finally going the Bogner womens' way! My mom had her surgery on March 3rd and her lymph nodes were completely clear of cancer. She will meet with an oncologist later this month to determine if she needs any further treatment. Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts, and prayers.

While all this was going my older sister and best friend Angie (the pilates instructor in SF) had a suspicious mammogram. There was a strange bright spot that had shone up in the first and then the second mammogram. It was no longer viable in a sonogram which is an even more conclusive test so her doctor gave her a clean bill of health and told her to come back for another look in six months.

This is a reminder to all of you to get your mammograms regularly. If there is a family history already in your family talk to your doctor about getting one EARLY even if you not in the 40 above category. A mammgram is quick, mostly painless, and worth the out of pocket expense if you do not have insurance. It can save you life so promise me you will talk to your doctor about your options if there is a family history.

Well, after a hard couple of months I had a student call me out of the blue and invite me to go to Zihuatanejo Mexico to teach her yoga for a week. I will be gone March 18-26Th. There are subs for all of my classes so please come to class while I am gone. 

Have a great week. I'll miss you all.

Love Laura

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hello Everyone,

I am back from Ohio. My mom is feeling much better and we had a wonderful visit. It felt good to take care of her and much of the time it was just the two of us. When you grow up in a big family time alone with a parent is precious and rare!

My mom was recovering from walking pneuonia and bronchitis so we did not do much yoga or exercise like we normally do. I brought back one of my favorite books called Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain. It was a book my mom had years ago. My siblings and I used to tease her about her large collection of new age books and ironically I have many of the same books years later! It's one of the best books I've read on manifesting what you want throught positive visualization exercises. It's simple and well written and easy to comprehend. We reread the book and did many of the exercises. 

My mom and I have always celebrated physical health through yoga, sports, and fitness. It is one of the things I am most grateful for her instilling in me.This visit was unique in that it was more of a celebration of emotional health and well-being through stillness. It was good for us to slow our pace way down and just enjoy the simple pleasure of being together. We had some great conversations, laughed a lot and cried some too. We watched a lot of movies and we both especially loved a beautifully touching movie called The Visitor.

My mom is very optimistic about her cancer treatment. Her surgery has been scheduled for March 3rd and most likely she will need chemo and radiation. All of us kids are there for her and I know she will get through this with grace and hopefully some humor too. 

Thank you all for you kind words and positive thoughts. I look forward to seeing you in class soon. 

Love Laura

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for viewing my new website.  Ruthann did a beautiful job don't you think?  She finished it just in time for me to do my first blog. Mark keeps teasing me saying my new name will be Laura Blogner instead of Laura Bogner!

I am leaving for Ohio tomorrow 2/10 and will be gone through Sunday 2/15th. I am going to spend time with my mom who was recently diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. She had Stage 0 cancer 7 years ago and it has come back this time to the other side. She was scheduled to have a mascectomy this Tuesday but it has been postponed until later this month because she has been sick with bronchitis. She's feeling much better today and I've decided rather than postponing my trip that I'd go spend some time with her.

We plan on doing lots of yoga, getting massages, going out to lunch, watching our favorite movies and obsessing happily on all the things we love. My mom has been a huge influence on me (read my yoga bio) and I feel lucky to be able to be with her. 

I know having cancer sounds awful and having had 2 parents go through it I can tell you it's not fun. I also know from watching some of you go through it personally or with your loved ones that there is still laughter, lots of love, and an even greater appreciation for life. This is what my mom and the rest of my family plan on drawing strength from.

Please keep coming to class at the studio (Nancy's subbing most of my classes and Joan is subbing my Thursday 12:30 class) and send positive thoughts east to Ohio during Savasana!

I love you all and will keep you posted--maybe even with some pics and posts from Ohio.

Love Laura

Monday, February 2, 2009

This is Laura's Blog where news about Glendale Yoga, favorite spots and special events will be posted.