Monday, March 16, 2009

Hi Everyone,

Well good luck is finally going the Bogner womens' way! My mom had her surgery on March 3rd and her lymph nodes were completely clear of cancer. She will meet with an oncologist later this month to determine if she needs any further treatment. Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts, and prayers.

While all this was going my older sister and best friend Angie (the pilates instructor in SF) had a suspicious mammogram. There was a strange bright spot that had shone up in the first and then the second mammogram. It was no longer viable in a sonogram which is an even more conclusive test so her doctor gave her a clean bill of health and told her to come back for another look in six months.

This is a reminder to all of you to get your mammograms regularly. If there is a family history already in your family talk to your doctor about getting one EARLY even if you not in the 40 above category. A mammgram is quick, mostly painless, and worth the out of pocket expense if you do not have insurance. It can save you life so promise me you will talk to your doctor about your options if there is a family history.

Well, after a hard couple of months I had a student call me out of the blue and invite me to go to Zihuatanejo Mexico to teach her yoga for a week. I will be gone March 18-26Th. There are subs for all of my classes so please come to class while I am gone. 

Have a great week. I'll miss you all.

Love Laura